On December 1, 2020, CCD founder and legal counsel Oliver Hall will participate in a panel discussion on the status of initiatives and referenda in American democracy following the 2020 elections. The discussion, hosted by Democracy International, will be live-streamed starting at 12:00 PM Eastern.
To view the discussion, you must register first here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoduyopj0jEtZ4RtV_VlgZ-lcuK-oXpWGH
For further information visit Democracy International: https://democracy.community/event/every-vote-counts-looking-ballot-measures-during-us-elections?fbclid=IwAR26C2_nQVeGxrtF-ZEjnJ6lrzYxxL71WiZJ657IaAs8TaTYn6ryJ-VnooE